No reply, please help.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm quite surprised they're using the traceable PayPal system though
Well, you know that Paypal is the choice of corrupt editors everywhere so what else would he use? LOL

I'm still laughing about that site. :) Excellent entertainment.


Mar 5, 2005
Yes, there are some crooked ODP editors out there
I just needed someone to admit it. ;)
I have no intentions of doing anything that breaks the rules.
why should I ??.. my site is listed.
albeit not correct, which is what I have a problem with.
and I am very aware that now I have dared to question it, it will never be changed. as no one there dares to admit they made a mistake.

but i am glad that someone has finally admitted that,
you do have crooked editors..


Mar 25, 2002
Anyone who tries to say that there are no crooked editors can have no proof.

In the same way that any society will have criminals, and does what it can to deal with them. The ODP is no different. It does not consitutute the "fundamental flaw" in the directory which others would like to make it out to be.

That's like saying that our society is fundamentally flawed and corrupt because someone once took a bribe...

Any time you have an organisation as big as the ODP, you are going to get issues. That is unavaoidable. It is how those issues are dealt with that characterises an organisation.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
And no one in the ODP has ever claimed that there are no crooked editors or that abuse doesn't happen. Would we offer an abuse reporting system if we thought that? What we've been trying to make clear is that widespread, systemic abuse doesn't exist in the ODP, despite what detractors would like people to believe.

and I am very aware that now I have dared to question it, it will never be changed. as no one there dares to admit they made a mistake.
People making public declarations like that are what give other people mistaken impressions about the ODP. Questioning doesn't result in the type of situation you're suggesting here. If the listing wasn't/isn't appropriate, it will get changed. But what *you* think the title should be from your point of view isn't necessarily what *we* think it should be from our point of view. If we don't change the title to what you want, it doesn't mean that you're being punished for questioning it.


Aug 2, 2002
I'm always interested in suggestions of editor wrongdoings - editors hate corrupt editors more than anyone else as it degrades the hundreds and thousands of hours many of us have spent on the project. So I looked at the history of your site. People complain that we don't review sites fast enough. Yours has been reviewed no less than six times in less than six months. Independently by six entirely different editors with hundreds of thousands of edits clocked up between them. I am 99.9% certain that 5 of the 6 have no connection whatsoever with your industry and don't know the other one, although if they are in the industry they have listed an awful lot of their competitors so that would suggest to me a satisfactory degree of objectivity. At no point in those reviews has anyone sought to change the description and there are some pretty impressive and very experienced editors in that list.

Your title and description seem adequate to me, not the style I use but we all have our own styles, it is encouraged to develop your own. One reason you will see different styles of descriptions in a category is that it may, as in your case, have had many editors pass through and list or modify a site. You may find that at some point another editor, or one who has already edited there decides to revamp the whole lot and make it all consistent but that is usually a lower priority job than finding new sites to list, removing dead links, dealing with URL changes, and so on.

Is your listing correct? In my opinion it is incorrect. In my opinion the site listed poses as a manufacturer's site and as such is misleading consumers as by your own admission you are not the manufacturer. The site should have been rejected and substituted with - my opinion but if others with more experience in this part of the directory agree then you may yet see a change. I certainly wouldn't have accepted or listed


Mar 5, 2005
thank you for the time you have taken in your post.
It has restored some of the dwindling confidence that I was getting in DMOZ
its nice to see that someone has taken time to communicate with my
grievance in a polite manor.
someone who now see`s that we are not, jespar Bios.
and yes our company name is Ost Cosmetics Ltd .
people only need to do a search for ost cosmetics in Google news
and they will find many articles related to us, that direct them to .

kind regards
Neil Hart
plazan skin care
Ost Cosmetics Ltd


Aug 2, 2002
Neil, I think you are mistaking my comments for something else. You do realise that I said I believed that should, IMO, never have been listed at all? The editor's mistake, as far as I am concerned, was not in the titling or description but in listing it. Because again IMO it could be seen as misleading by masquerading as a manufacturer's site when you clearly are not? This is your responsibility - not to put up and suggest to us a site that appears to be, at least the way I read it, misleading. Personally I would only consider for a listing. If you want to do the right thing then submit an update suggesting the URL be changed and enter a totally compliant title and description using the Ost Cosmetics company name and no keyword stuffing, capitalisation, or marketing hype, just an objective description of what people can find on the site. Better you do it than the next editor along.


Apr 3, 2005
dmoz rip off

Yes, it is a rip off. My friend tried it and lost his $150.00. Anyone have any knowledge of who the person is so he can get his money back?

just for your information,
i thought you might like to look at this.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yeah, people whine about "crooked editors in the ODP." Well, there probably are some. I say that not because I know of any, but because I know there are a LOT of crooked EX-editors. And yes, you can find dozens of them, hanging out at any SERP perp forum -- and, often as not, scheming how to get back in as an editor.

So, yes, at this point in time there probably ARE a number of crooked SERP perps at some stage of the brief journey from deceitful-applicant to outraged-outcast.

But that's not evidence of ODP corruption. That's evidence of the ODP putting up a strong defense against a constant onslaught of virulant SE-spammer corruption. Which is a very different thing altogether.


Apr 15, 2003
That is quite interesting, I have some bravehost sites and I have not touched them for at least two years. They did not go away by themselves for lack of use.

I wonder if bravehost intentionally cancelled him.
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