Odp Delusion


Dec 17, 2005
I's ok Oneeye, I didn't come back quick enough to see that reply before it was edited out. Although it certainly makes me curious!

So, ok, theoretically, if a site isn't listable it's deleted so those ones are off the queue.

I can see there'd be reason to leave a site for a while if an editor thought there was a chance it might be built up to something useful.

So maybe I should ask how old is the oldest site in the unreviewed queue that hasn't been appraised by an editor yet? Of course that could be difficult to tell as, presumably, if an editor looks at a site in the queue it would be appraised at some level. But you see what I'm getting at.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
joy said:
But you see what I'm getting at.
Ehh, no I don't.
As has been said before the date a site is suggested has no relevance at all during the review proces.

But if you realy want to hear some dates. Last weekend I went through some categories I thought needed some attention and processed suggestions made between the end of 2001 and the end of 2005.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Of course that could be difficult to tell
Not only difficult - impossible. (If it were relevant I'm sure there would be a way to find out, but it isn't, so there isn't.)


Aug 13, 2003
Joy - the ODP doesn't have one big unreviewed queue. People submit sites to individual categories. So there is no way to know the oldest submittal date currently in the system. We just don't track that data.

Some of us edit in lots of categories, so we may have some idea of the oldest we've come across recently, if we noticed it. Pvgool did his best for you. I doubt if anyone else could do better.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>if a site isn't listable it's deleted so those ones are off the queue.

>I can see there'd be reason to leave a site for a while if an editor thought there was a chance it might be built up to something useful.

That is an option; it isn't something that happens that often.

>So maybe I should ask how old is the oldest site in the unreviewed queue that hasn't been appraised by an editor yet? Of course that could be difficult to tell as, presumably, if an editor looks at a site in the queue it would be appraised at some level.

Beyond what other people have mentioned (there isn't one queue, there are over a half million of them, and site submittal date has nothing to do with site publication date) -- an editor can look at any site at any time using any tool, and there's no way of tracking that. Even when an editor looks at a site through a submittal, if he takes no positive action, there will be no way of tracking it.

A few months ago, one webmaster complained his site was getting hit, regularly, every two weeks or so, but no listing had appeared. What was apparently happening was: an editor had been regularly going through the unreviewed in a category, moving the inappropriate submittals (which by experience we knew was most of them) to the right category. The webmaster's site wasn't obviously inappropriate, nor was it obviously listed. So it was deferred for later full review. And HE saw regular visits in HIS logs, and WE saw nothing in ours. (Obviously the editor COULD have avoided leaving traces even in the webmaster's logs, if that mattered, which it usually doesn't.)


Dec 17, 2005
Just trying to get an idea of what is happening. I don't have any sites waiting to be reviewed, mine are already listed in appropriate localities and none are commercial. I do occassionally suggest other urls. I don't keep track of them coz they're not my sites. More like anonymous donations. I might pick up a specialty mag and wonder if the urls in the mag are on dmoz and sure enough they aren't so I suggest them.

I see so much discussion about how long it takes to get a site listed and it seems there is not a lot of understanding by either side of the other. Thought I'd ask a question I hadn't seen asked. Thought it might create 5c worth of clarity about how the system works.

What I do see is ODPers not really giving a damn about the frustrations of people trying to get sites listed. It seems to be a recurring theme that if a site hasn't been listed, but it is actually listable, it's because the submitter hasn't given it a proper description or put it in the right category or been patient enough. Or something else that is the fault of the submitter. Always the fault of the submitter. Even the ones who are polite are still often politely defensive. Once in a while someone is lovely, and at this point I would say that person is Oneeye. And by that 'former' in your sig you're probably not even an ODPer anymore.

Seeing as any description submitted is likely to be rewritten according to how the editors feel about it a good description is very difficult to guess and not necessarily going to get a site listed faster.

Even if you do manage to work out a category to submit to that will be agreed to by an editor it doesn't mean an editor is going to go in and see it. And seeing as the directory is continually being restructured it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the structure anyway.

And I don't think patience counts when there are sites that haven't been dealt with for so many years. Submitters are going to be wondering if their site is one of the unlucky ones that hasn't been seen to.

I think if submitters understand how the system works it only means they feel as if their site is lucky to get listed in anything like a realistic timeframe. anything up to 6 years if you haven't understood the rules or if you're unlucky enough to submit to a section that doesn't get regular attention is not exactly what anyone can call functional.

I think more of an acknowledgement by ODPers that there are some real problems would be healthier that continually blaming the submitter.


Jan 23, 2003
I think more of an acknowledgement by ODPers that there are some real problems would be healthier that continually blaming the submitter.

It is less a case of blaming the submitter, than becoming a slave to the submitter.

We never promise to look at a submissin/suggestion within a given period of time.

We never promise to make looking at submissions/suggestions a priority.

If you understand nothing else, understand those two things -- for they are really the basis of all communication here.

So, when someone comes in here and complains that we have not looked at their suggestion on their timeline, their demand for immediate services falls upon deaf ears.

We deal with missubmitted sites all the time, we deal with horrid titles and descriptions all the time: it comes with the territory. We don't punish people for incorrect or poorly worded submissions, we simply push the suggestion off in the right direction.

The only people we blame are what you should think of as the "professional missubmitters." These are prople who are trying to make money leveraging their experiecne and knowledge of the ODP -- and who frequently cause many more problems than one can imagine. The intelligent ones we can reason with, then boneheaded ones continue to cause problems. The problems they cause impact every one else in one way or another.

I simply do not think that the average ODP editor blames the average submitter for anything -- even when we see sites that belong in Alaska getting submitted to Alabama. Hey, they both start with the letter A!

What you do see here is very often the worst of the worst. We regularly see people who have a rich history of ODP abuse logging in here and pretending to be a clueless newbie, trying to find out how much we know about them and their history.

So rather than get upset at what often seems to be terse responses from the editors here, recognize that there are two sides to every discussion -- and there very well may be aspects that the average visitor is not aware of.


Sep 11, 2004
Some helpful guidance [and merely an opinion of a voluntary editor and not an official statement of OPD.

joy said:
Just trying to get an idea of what is happening. I don't have any sites waiting to be reviewed, mine are already listed in appropriate localities and none are commercial. I do occassionally suggest other urls. I don't keep track of them coz they're not my sites. More like anonymous donations. I might pick up a specialty mag and wonder if the urls in the mag are on dmoz and sure enough they aren't so I suggest them.

I see so much discussion about how long it takes to get a site listed and it seems there is not a lot of understanding by either side of the other. Thought I'd ask a question I hadn't seen asked. Thought it might create 5c worth of clarity about how the system works.

First you need to consider the who and why. Some website in there current form are not listable. However, in the case of a submitter knowing this - they don't often just take that at face value and make there website so "it is listable" they often submit, submit, submit, submit, submit, submit in the hopes that a less experienced editor will list them.

Do this 50-100 times per site X that by 50-100 sites X that by the number of categories = ? ... an enormous volume that some volume of volunteers need to address before you get to legit and listable websites.

What I do see is ODPers not really giving a damn about the frustrations of people trying to get sites listed. It seems to be a recurring theme that if a site hasn't been listed, but it is actually listable, it's because the submitter hasn't given it a proper description or put it in the right category or been patient enough. Or something else that is the fault of the submitter. Always the fault of the submitter. Even the ones who are polite are still often politely defensive. Once in a while someone is lovely, and at this point I would say that person is Oneeye. And by that 'former' in your sig you're probably not even an ODPer anymore.

Well - this isn't completely true. What you see as "not really giving a damn" is bias to the fact that almost "everyone" want a personalization when it comes to listing.... all everyone ever needs is to read the guidelines follow them implicitly and you will be listed - if and when the there is no backlog [which will likely never occur since very few people "read" the guidelines and follow them implicitly.

That said: a few years ago I came here with a legit problem - and it was taken care of immediately - which inspired me to become an editor. The system "does work" but there is far to editing here particularily when submitter do not read they [most often] just submit what they want, where they want, when they want... and the editor "MUST" do their job "correctly"... or they will likely not be an editor for long.

Seeing as any description submitted is likely to be rewritten according to how the editors feel about it a good description is very difficult to guess and not necessarily going to get a site listed faster.

Believe me when I say this: if your title, URL, and dewscription is "per" the guidelines and you submit to the appropriate category - you will likely see "no change". While each editor does have their own style - the guidlines are "extremely explicit" - so you can help the backlog by using them.

Even if you do manage to work out a category to submit to that will be agreed to by an editor it doesn't mean an editor is going to go in and see it. And seeing as the directory is continually being restructured it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the structure anyway.

Growth and change are always a factor... and while these can have a negative impact - growth and change must occur.

And I don't think patience counts when there are sites that haven't been dealt with for so many years. Submitters are going to be wondering if their site is one of the unlucky ones that hasn't been seen to.

What does count? If every single person read the guidelines and followed them - the problems would fix itself. Be that as may [people don't read] your patience is needed.

I will note in my own experiences - I have logged in on the same day a submitter; submitted - and have yet to have a single listing aceptable "as is"... also note that "review" means I must "review the website" this isn't something that can be completed in a mere minute. Often this rerquires "hours" and in other categories day, even a month with websites of larger sizes.

I think if submitters understand how the system works it only means they feel as if their site is lucky to get listed in anything like a realistic timeframe. anything up to 6 years if you haven't understood the rules or if you're unlucky enough to submit to a section that doesn't get regular attention is not exactly what anyone can call functional.


I think more of an acknowledgement by ODPers that there are some real problems would be healthier that continually blaming the submitter.

There is no blame.

If everyone READ the Guidelines!

Then OBEY the Guidelines

Problem solved.

I must and I don't complain about it. :D


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I think more of an acknowledgement by ODPers that there are some real problems would be healthier that continually blaming the submitter.
There are a few things you need to keep in mind when considering the ODP (some of these were mentioned earlier by spectregunner):

1. We don't guarantee to review any particular site at all, let alone within a particular time frame. That applies to all sites, regardelss of whether someone suggested them to us or not.

2. Editors are volunteers -- we don't tell them where to edit or how often they must edit there. If no editor decides that it is of paramount importance to them to edit in any given category on any given day, then the category remains unedited until someone comes along with the urge to edit there.

The only thing I blame "submitters" for is not believing us when we try to explain points 1 and 2 to them.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I do occassionally suggest other urls.... anonymous donations. I might pick up a specialty mag and wonder if the urls in the mag are on dmoz and sure enough they aren't so I suggest them.

That's what submittals are for. That's how they were intended to be used. I'm delighted to hear testimonials that they are being used that way.

>What I do see is ODPers not really giving a damn about the frustrations of people trying to get sites listed.

I'd call that a fair perception but an unfair connotation. It is true that the ODP simply doesn't have a mechanism for "trying" to get sites "listed". We try to tell people that up front: "no site is guaranteed a listing."

>It seems to be a recurring theme that if a site hasn't been listed, but it is actually listable, it's because ...

Not really. It's because nobody has reviewed and listed it. Oh, true, there are many things a submitter can do to HELP the review process go more smoothly, but there is nothing a submitter can do to impose his priorities on anyone else. (Before or after a site is suggested, editors still can -- and do -- choose to do other things, either at the ODP or on other sites or offline.) But the last, critical, step of a listing happens because sometime, some editor thought that was a reasonable approximation to the most important thing in the world to do. And at that moment when the editor made that decision, millions of sites remained unreviewed because, so far, reviewing them had NOT been the most important thing in the world for anyone who was trusted to review them.

Aside: Oneeye will always be an ODP contributor -- whether or not he's active at any particular moment.

>Seeing as any description submitted is likely to be rewritten according to how the editors feel about it a good description is very difficult to guess and not necessarily going to get a site listed faster.

True. Not "necessarily," but "possibly." And don't forget: even though a listing is poorly done, it may still contain enough information to help an editor quickly send it to the right category.

>Even if you do manage to work out a category to submit to that will be agreed to by an editor it doesn't mean an editor is going to go in and see it.

Not true. It means an editor will go and see it. What it DOESN'T mean is that anybody's priorities have changed. Everyone's priorities are still exactly the same as they were before. What a submittal does is empower the editor to find a site, easily, at the moment when that kind of sites is his priority. It enables the editor to prioritize based on more information (and that also may possibly, not necessarily, mean a particular site gets reviewed more quickly...and another particular site gets reviewed less quickly. But overall, the more help we get, the faster EVERYTHING goes.)

>and seeing as the directory is continually being restructured it is somewhat difficult to keep up with the structure anyway.

True; that's an intrinsic difficulty of all indexing schemes. (Library classifications and schematizations of medical conditions are also under constant revision.) That's why (unlike many other directories) we don't discard misplaced suggestions. But again -- misplacing a suggestion doesn't place any obligation on anyone to change his priorities!

>And I don't think patience counts when there are sites that haven't been dealt with for so many years.

It's not "patience" if you put a time limit on it. It's just "another form of imposing your will on someone else by setting their deadlines and forcing them to change their priorities and activities to suit yourself." And THAT is unacceptable behavior in a volunteer community. But it's not a "problem:" people who do it are justly ostracized, and that's an end of the matter for the people who are actually doing the work.

>Submitters are going to be wondering if their site is one of the unlucky ones that hasn't been seen to.

Very likely. But the fact is, I as an editor don't know any better than you where the other ten thousand editors are going to work next! And there is no way either of us can get any more information.

This may seem like a problem, but it's actually not. What does it matter to you (or to me) where oneeye chooses to volunteer today? Anything he does is gravy! And what right do you (or I) have to tell him how much or what he must do? NONE! And how do I know whether or not jeanmanco will do any edits tomorrow?

The "ignorance" you speak of, is an intrinsic part of the design of the ODP process. Could it be designed out? No: any attempt to address that would have unacceptable costs. (I'll mention just three: attempts to impose a Stalinist priority on all reviews would consume management effort far in excess of any conceivable value; would drive away volunteers who see the ODP as a way of exploring the world on the web (that is, the kind of people to whom the current process was attractive); and would catastrophically bias the range of sites the ODP represented, to fit the "party line", whatever that might turn out to be.)

>I think if submitters understand how the system works it only means ... is not exactly what anyone can call functional.


>I think more of an acknowledgement by ODPers that there are some real problems would be healthier that continually blaming the submitter.

I like the way you slide from "refusing to accept responsibility for my emotions" into "refusing to acknowledge real problems." Smoothly done!

I don't demand that you accept responsibility for how I feel about your work. I don't demand that you work on my priorities. I don't even demand that you acknowledge my human autonomy.

But ... I believe my human autonomy exists. And it is not a problem, for me. (Stalin may disagree.) I work on what I think is important. I do not resent the fact that you are free to do the same.

On the other hand: are there problems with the ODP? Oh, absolutely, every edit ever made is an acknowledgement that it could be made better, and no reasonable editor would suppose he had just made the final edit.

But -- with the resources donated, could we have done something better? Probably. But, but, ... HOW?

That's the question the community is always exploring. And that's where outside help is especially valuable. Oh, you can't possibly contribute anything to the process design -- you simply don't know enough, and you CAN'T possibly know enough until you've actually experienced the process as it exists.

But what you CAN do is -- find sites that the community hasn't found yet, find bad listings the community hasn't removed yet. In other words, you can find genuine ODP shortcomings -- not just personal, speculative, philosopical fantasies about what might or might not be wrong with someone else's priorities.

And, as you provide concrete evidence of genuine shortcomings (and no doubt, there are millions that you could document!) the editors can watch for patterns, select priorities, polish procedures, review standards ... all to achieve the ODP mission. Which is NOT necessarily to "list every listable site on the web", but rather to "provide a comprehensive index of the totality of human experience as represented on the web."

So, "lucky" or "unlucky" plays a part in speed of reviews -- an essential part, I believe: any human-imposed determinism is just Stalinism writ small. But there's another important part. A webmaster is not "unlucky to suggest a site to a category." A webmaster is NOT HELPING THE ODP GOAL when he DEVELOPS a site on a subject already well-represented on the web. Now, he has no obligation to help the ODP at all: he develops that site for his own purpose! And the ODP has no obligation to help him at all -- IT is developed for ITS OWN purpose.

So, if there is intersection between the sites' purposes -- well and good. (And if not, fine: human freedom, again!) If the sites are well interlinked, even better. For the surfer, that is.

And -- it's a matter of principle here, deeply embedded in the ODP philosophy, that what the webmaster shouldn't matter. So -- you see that in practice it doesn't matter? Excellent, we're doing what we meant to do!

And the webmasters' needs can be served by someone else. It's not as if there are any shortage of sites that offer!


Mar 26, 2002
Really you guys (admins and moderators) need to change the title of this thread and other like it to "My site is not listed and I am pissed" - I mean ODP Delusion for the title on a why is my site not listed you must be biased thread.... you should change (moderate) the title to match what the post is actually saying - imho. At least on the most obvious ones.

My 2 cents.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's not always "I'm pissed". Sometimes it really is "I'm puzzled". And you can't always tell which it is until people actually see the chaos of it all.

And then they have a real choice. Some people light candles. Some people curse the darkness. And some people just curse the candle-lighters.


Sep 11, 2004
hutcheson said:
It's not always "I'm pissed". Sometimes it really is "I'm puzzled". And you can't always tell which it is until people actually see the chaos of it all.

And then they have a real choice. Some people light candles. Some people curse the darkness. And some people just curse the candle-lighters.

Gotta wonder how the "candle would feel"... if it could! OUCH! :D


Aug 2, 2002
I do occassionally suggest other urls. I don't keep track of them coz they're not my sites. More like anonymous donations. I might pick up a specialty mag and wonder if the urls in the mag are on dmoz and sure enough they aren't so I suggest them.
Now you see that is what the Suggest an URL link was put there for, and if that was primarily what it was used for then there would be no problems. And a lot more done by way of thank you's for those who suggest them. Unfortunately 99.99% of suggestions are made by webmasters who submit thinking that ODP is some kind of free promotional tool, and when they make that assumption for the umpteenth time in this forum editors tend to get a bit frustrated.

What I do see is ODPers not really giving a damn about the frustrations of people trying to get sites listed. It seems to be a recurring theme that if a site hasn't been listed, but it is actually listable, it's because the submitter hasn't given it a proper description or put it in the right category or been patient enough. Or something else that is the fault of the submitter. Always the fault of the submitter.
I think editors see the frustrations as self-inflicted - people are only frustrated because they are still thinking of ODP as a website promotion tool despite the huge amount of information here and in the guidelines to the contrary. People don't read the instructions on the packet. On the other hand, since so many people do apparently have a problem with following the instructions, maybe they are not as simple and clear as they should be. Which is an ODP problem, not the submitter's. Another problem is that there is so much misinformation out there about what the ODP is. IMO ODP has a responsibility to communicate itself a lot better than it does.

I think more of an acknowledgement by ODPers that there are some real problems would be healthier that continually blaming the submitter.
The ODP certainly has real problems and a problem recognising and acknowledging them, let alone resolving them. It is inherent in a model that has flaws but changes only by consensus. For example there are some editing policies that even editors of long standing don't understand and can't get changed or clarified properly. But there are two points arising from that - ODP is no different to any large complex organisation in that it can always improve; and ODP won't change to make itself to look more like a webmaster promotional tool.

So in terms of the wait for a site to be listed, this is not a problem for the ODP model. The problem is in how to effectively explain why. Asking someone to be patient isn't the answer - it still implies you are held in a queue and will be answered at some time. The actual answer is far more complex - editors are tasked with cataloging all the listable sites on the Internet from a variety of sources - Google, site link pages, magazines and newspapers, their own surfing. Suggestions are another source and not a particularly good one in reality because webmasters have used it to promote their sites not suggest a good addition to a category. All those sources add up to hundreds of millions of websites potentially listable and editors pick from the sources most likely to yield the best results for the category they are working on. Sometimes that is Google, sometimes it is a specialist link page, sometimes it is a pool of suggestions. And of those hundreds of millions of sites only 20,000 will be picked in any particular month to be listed. So why suggest an URL if it gives the site no priority? Well it overcomes a problem with Google for example - the site that does the best SEO or spends the most money rises to the top of the pile. A site with real content may be on page 23 and an editor may never find it there. The suggestion pool may have 500 suggestions in a random order uninfluenced by SEO or money so the site may come to an editor's attention quicker, or it might not. So if you really want a site listed you have to second-guess where an editor might best find sites on a particular subject - a local or specialised directory is often quite a good source for example, so use that route. But wait a minute, that is just getting on with normal web marketing to maximise the surfers who will find you. And that, dear submitters, is the secret of an ODP listing, for editors are surfers not submission processors. Now if you can condense that into something less long-winded and publish it on the suggestion form it might solve a lot of misunderstandings about what suggesting a site means in reality. And it is a fault of ODP not submitters that it is not explained properly.

oneeye (former editall/catmv)


Apr 21, 2005
oneeye said:
The FAQs do indeed provide some answers. So do the official guidelines. But they are clearly not getting the message across.

Do you not think that the amount of questions that you get on this site means that your official guidelines and FAQ's are not exactly hitting the spot?

What about re-doing them, so that the general populous understands them. I am pretty sure that I do, but I still get it wrong. :confused:


Sep 11, 2004
xx0033 said:
Do you not think that the amount of questions that you get on this site means that your official guidelines and FAQ's are not exactly hitting the spot?

Actually most questions would be covered "verbatim" by a 5 minute read of the guidelines [under the appropriate section].

They are 'explicited' and full of examples - but you do need to read them.

xx0033 said:
What about re-doing them, so that the general populous understands them. I am pretty sure that I do, but I still get it wrong. :confused:

If people don't want to read... no amount of additional writing will change that.


Dec 30, 2005
This thread may be about a well-beaten path, however there is a challenging branch that hardly gets visited. Suppose a submitted site, S1, has to wait one year to be reviewed. In that time, worse sites S2, S3, ..., S20, enter the directory in S1's category. From what I read here, an editor's priority will be the listed sites, S2 - S20, thereby lengthening the time that S1 has to wait. A double blow for S1, you'll agree. This leads me to a suggestion: a new category of front-end volunteers to filter submissions before they get to the editors.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We don't value sites as "worse' or 'better'.
A site is either listabel or not listable.
We can not review sites based on any quality aspect of the site. This would mean that we (or someone) would have to look at all sites (suggested and not suggested) to determine which one is the best. List this one site. Look at all sites again. List the best.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Suppose a submitted site, S1, has to wait one year to be reviewed. In that time, worse sites S2, S3, ..., S20, enter the directory in S1's category. From what I read here, an editor's priority will be the listed sites, S2 - S20, thereby lengthening the time that S1 has to wait. A double blow for S1, you'll agree. This leads me to a suggestion: a new category of front-end volunteers to filter submissions before they get to the editors.
Can you clarify what you're saying? If S2 - S20 suddenly appeared in the category, someone must have added them. If they came across them on their own, chances are they would have come across the better S1 as well. If they were suggested but not reviewed, then they'd all be in the same pool of suggestions as S1. I don't see where S2 - S20 would have any effect on S1 at all. What have I missed in your scenario?
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