questions for the editors


Oct 16, 2004
bobrat said:
Nothing illegal about having multiple related sites with different URL's all interconnected. However, submitting them ot the ODP is against the guidelines and anyone who is doing that is beng fraudulent.

The problem is that in the drive to get sites listed site owners try to push to see what our limits are. The sad thing is that these people don't want to get listed in ODP because it's a good directory, and think most editors are corrupt. They only want to be listed because of Google - as someone once said "why else would you want to be listed in there...LOL"

I also own a dartboard :p but other that that I don't have a life :Omg:

I agree with the reason 99.9999% of the people that submit want to be in the directory because of the benefit for them within google. I am one of those people. I am almost positive with a dmoz listing, I would be number 1 in google for my primary search phrase, however it isnt with the site I submitted.

I also have no life as well so dont feel to bad, being a Realtor and admin our company and team sites, plus dealing with clients. I work 14 to 18 hours a day, but the pay is GOOD... :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There's no meeting of the minds here, because there are no common interest.

You care about the search engine, only: the directory is only another tool to use against it. We don't care about the search engine; the directory is what we build.

We are concerned about accurate meta-data: accurate attribution allowing surfers to evaluate the reliability of verbiage. We see this as the surfer's most important protection against pseudonymous fraud and spam. You are concerned that accurate meta-data will cause people to deprecate your verbiage -- that concern completely outweighs the possible benefit of an ODP listing.

You see the value of your work only as it brings profit to you--its information content is accidental or ancilliary at best. We consider the information content only: nothing else matters.

That's OK. You build your sites to suit yourself, not the ODP, and the ODP will list sites built for whatever purpose that also fit its criteria. But, having flatly refused to consider the changes that would make any accurate information on your site more valuable, you can hardly blame us for thinking no more of its value than you do.
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