Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate DMOZ Content, and other issues here ONLY


Curlie Meta
Nov 24, 2003
#1457 done :)
#1458 dealt with :)
#1459 dealt with :)
#1460 dealt with (root was listed already in travel agents cat)
#1461 dealt with (left url as most content rich) :)
#1462 done :)



Apr 4, 2005
In Top: Shopping: Pets: Fish: Food

Fish Link Central: Commercial/Food Directory
is not a shopping site

Magic Pellet
is a deep link. Site may be better suited to a broader category.

WCS Aquatics
says it's relocating to

In Top: Shopping: Pets: Fish: Livestock

Swallow Aquatics
"current" stock list (to be updated every two weeks) hasn't been updated since June 2003.

says it is under construction (see note at bottom of home page) and shows "Specials as of 1-4-04"
Jun 22, 2005
Hi Andysands,
I found a website in the ODP directory with the worst reputation with the BBB, is there anything we could do about that.

Best regards.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ricardo (#1465) -- no, that's not an issue you can address through the ODP. You can set up a website "exposing" the company ("Allegedly unethical firms" might be the relevant category for it.)

But so long as Shyster and Drudge, Inc., has a website describing the services they claim to provide, and so long as SAD is in business, that website is eligible for an ODP listing.


Sep 10, 2004
Not a shopping site - This is not a shopping site.

Category path -> Top: Shopping: Health: Beauty: Fragrances


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Site in wrong cat, dead links on 2 sites => sites in wrong cat


Athena and Tom's Toys - Her husband Tom put up a site called Tom's Toys focused on collecting action figures, and Athena added the feminine touch by including information about the fashion dolls she is dressing in Middle Eastern outfits.

IMHO Should not be in this section rather under Toy Collection category.

The Cat House - Both links to the Middle Eastern Dance Section return errors for me so site now in wrong cat

Gintaras - What could he possibly be up to now? - The title should be Gintaras Radzivanas. Both links to the Middle Eastern Dance Section in the webpage return page not found for me so site now in wrong cat.

All other sites in this cat checked out OK for me.



Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
1 hijack, 2 misplacements, 1 very bad description, 1 not good description

Top: Arts: Performing Arts: Dance: Folk Dancing: African

Bamana African Drum & Dance Ensemble seems to have been hijacked by DomainContender - Introduction to the wonderful Afro-Uruguayan rhythm of "Candombe": its origin, its sound, images, and many of the people involved

Excellent Site but Music/drumming not folk dance – suggest moving it (and the title should just be Candombe) perhaps Top: Regional: South America: Arts and Entertainment: Music. (buts there could be somewhere better).

Fogo Na Roupa Dance Company -This is a San Francisco Bay area professional Brazilian dance and music company with strong African, Latin, and Caribbean influences

Excellent site but Brazilian as opposed to African or African/other - however can't see where else to put it - new sub-category?

Ucandanc African Healing Arts - Masankho is a multi - disciplinary performing artist, facilitator, spiritual Guide. He is also a life coach and stress management expert. He brings many unique talents to all his work.

[I am not going to consider whether the site should be here or not, accepting that it is here and points to a relevant Dance Group – it looks to be a DMOZ editors ‘nightmare’ for categorisation! The site covers African Dance / Storytelling / Interplay / Peacebuilding / Diversity / Spirituality / Life Guide / Weddings. - um :) has DMOZ got a specific cat for this combination?]

In this case the Dance section of his website calls up the Kamsisi Dance and Rhythm Ensemble ( in a frame but as it is also owned by him this is a Good Thing.

I think the description is promotional. It should be changed to reflect why this site is in this section. e.g. multi-disciplinary site (<list>) including the Kamsisi Dance and Rhythm Ensemble.
[Alternatively the link could be direct to the Kamsisi Dance and Rhythm Ensemble site as it is a non-commercial site but dmoz guidelines need to be considered..]

Masankho also has been given another entry under Arts: Performing Arts: Storytelling: Professional Storytellers: United States :-

Banda, Masankho - Dancer, Storyteller and Massage Therapist from Malawi. Classes, performances and workshops. Oakland, CA.

but the title should also be Ucandanc African Healing Arts as opposed to Banda, Masankho

The description could be treated similarly e.g. multi-disciplinary site (<list>) including details of storytelling by Masankho Banda.


PS Forgot to say rest of cat looks ok :thumb2:


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
2 links in one category needs checking? but update 1 description

Top: Arts: Performing Arts: Dance: Folk Dancing: Basque

Cyber Dantza is the Centre of Basque Studies of the University of Reno which on its front page points to the the Centre of Basque Studies of the University of Reno educational internet publication for Basque-American Dancers. Dantzaldizkaria
Monthly featured articles, readers' questions, dance news and resources.

2 links in 1 category - could be possible in this case?

at least state that the publication was last updated in March 2002

rest of cat ok


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Very Naughty second link to same website in same category

Top: Society: Ethnicity: Greek: Greek American: Arts: Dance

Traditional Dance in Greek Culture - Book review of Traditional Culture in Greek Culture, Yvonne Hunt [ http:// www. filetron .com /grkmanual/ huntbook.html]

Greek Folk Dance Resource Manual - 9th edition online. Download manual, and download catalog. Free videos for non-profit organizations. Articles, book reviews. Links to various Greek American dance troupes and music groups.
[http:// www. filetron .com /grkmanual/] - three-quarters down the front page under Other Resource Material is a link to Traditional Dance in Greek Culture by Yvonne Hunt
[http:// www. filetron .com /grkmanual/ huntbook.html]

Hence as the Yvonne Hunt entry is merely a page of the resource entry and on its front page, it does not need its own entry

AND in

Top: Regional: Europe: Greece: Arts and Entertainment: Dance

we have:
Greek Folk Dance Resource Manual - Resource page on the history of Greek dancing -- http://www. filetron. com /grkmanual/

Previous descrip[tion of the site is correct, this one is not

If I've got it right, Regional should be 'bricks and mortar' and the author is selling videos based in Granada Hills, CA. It has an entry as a Greek dance resource under a Dance topic and should not have an entry under Regional: Greece - Dora Stratoiu appears in both because Regional is its Bricks and Mortar Address


Anyway the rest of the cat, the Performing_Arts/Dance/Folk_Dancing/Greek cat, Performing_Arts/Dance/Folk_Dancing/colonial cat are ok.


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
I Festival - 2 entries in wrong places with redirect to 3rd url

Society: Ethnicity: Greek: Greek American: Arts: Dance
Greek Orthodox Folk Dance Festival
- Announcements of, and reports from, the dance festivals of the San Francisco Diocese of the Greek Orthodox Church of America. News, events schedules, photo gallery, videos, dance scholarships

Top: Regional: Europe: Greece: Arts and Entertainment: Dance

Greek Folk Dance Festival - Annual dance competition; includes greek dancing, singing, and traditional costumes

This is a San Francisco based organisation ministering to America.

The page is the same as Greek Orthodox Folk Dance Festival (the two exist in different folders fdf and FDF on the same domain) but quickly redirects to The Greek Orthodox Choral and Folk Dance Festival (San Francisco).

I believe that the confusion is caused possibly by the Site moving from (with upper and lower case versions) to the new site, however I got confused.

May I suggest it is moved from regional:greece to regional San Francisco for review with a note listing the 3 urls to be sorted out?

When sorted the entry should be moved from Top: Society: Ethnicity: Greek: Greek American: Arts: Dance to the sub category Festivals.?


A bit puzzled - I was in Top: Arts: Performing Arts: Dance: Folk Dancing: Greek (3) and selected United States@ anbd ended up in Society: Ethnicity: Greek: Greek American: Arts: Dance


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
site in wrong category

Top: Arts: Performing Arts: Dance: Folk Dancing: Native American

Big Sur Natives - Dance and percussion group located in Big Sur California

This is not Native_American folk dance as in Indiginous natives performing traditional dance but a New Age 'Tribe' (ie a group of new age people who refer to themselves as a tribe).

Note that the less-revealing costumes are more like Egyptian belly-dancers and the more revealing :eek: lead me to whole-heartly support such artistic endeavours :eek: .... but unfortunately not in this section please.

All the other sites in this category are full of Native Indians dancing in the expected costumes. Hoop Dancing sub cat also ok
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.