Submitted site 4 years ago and still waiting!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Hi, in regards to spamming concerns, what if you hired a seo company and you found out that they submitted your site more than once with automated software without your knowledge? Is it possible to notify DMOZ of the error so that you aren't penalized?
No, there isn't. You are responsible for stupid actions of people you hire.
But suggesting a website more than once to the same category will most probably not be seen as spam. It might have a negative effect on the time between first suggestion and time of review.


New Member
Jun 3, 2011
> Periodically over the last 4 years i have submitted one of our sites to DMOZ
> We have studied the categories very carefully and always take time with our submissions.
DMOZ clearly asks you to suggest a website only ONCE to the ONE best category.

Suggesting the same website more than once to the same category can make the time between first suggestion and review longer.
Suggesting the same website to many categories can result in being marked as spam. And like you we do not like spam.

I also submit my site in dmoz - and still waiting...


Jan 12, 2011
I've been waiting even longer than 5 years for many quality sites that adhere to every guideline, and still no editor for some of the categories I've submitted to. DMOZ is a joke, mostly due to the jackass editors - you know, the ones who never have enough time to review sites but will always leave a rude, snide, non-helpful reply to your post within 5 min. In fact, pvgool and jimnoble will usually even gang bang reply together .. the ultimate tag team.

People come to this website for help, and I swear these guys get off on seeing how much they can torment anyone who posts a question on the resource zone. It really amazes me how much time these guys spend "helping" people on here. Ask any question and you get the same rude reply, with a snippet about the "integrity of the directory blah blah blah...". Riiight, integrity of a directory where people are commonly known to have to bribe editors to get in, where many categories haven't been updated for over 4 years, and where the people who you expect will help you provide you the type of replies above.

The good news is that DMOZ is dead - seriously, it's not the powerhouse directory it used to be. In fact, it's nothing now. Google "DMOZ is dead" and you can read posts from almost every well known, legitimate SEO company out there (of course they don't care about search engines or things like that at DMOZ, even though it's the reason why 99.9% of people submit sites here). My advice is to forget about this website all together and move on, there is no value left here.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England

Thanks for your observations. I spend most of my day evaluating websites and editor applications (over 140,000 edits so far and over 20,000 editor applications processed). I only pop in here from time to time for a break.

When here, I mainly undertake several functions:

Link dropping spam posts are a major issue here and I do the necessary when I spot them.

Most posts about listing suggestions are from folks who haven't bothered to read readily available sticky threads and documentation. I generally respond to those with canned replies. I'm not aware that they're snide but I agree that they're pretty repetitive - but that's because there are just so many ways are there of saying the same thing.

Posts about editor applications generally merit a custom response and I do my best to provide those.

Then there are the troll posts of course which are usually best ignored.

I've had a very productive day so far and I hope that you have the same :).


Sep 13, 2011
WOW!! I'm new to the forums and I came here I am almost 100% positive for the same reason as most of the people on here. Which is to find out what I might be doing wrong, some kind of tip, contact or what have you, that will help me on getting my website listed. No I will not post my site here because as I have seen dmoz is quick to flag those posts throughout the forums. If only they spent more time on sites than in the forums there would not be as many complaints. The arrogance and mindset of the editors (and wow I'm shocked even the moderators!) boggles me. You may see it as redundant or absurd that people are asking these questions but you have failed to answer there/my questions.

1. What's going on with our site submissions?
2. Why can't we at least get a pending or rejected notification?
3. Why is it acceptable to you that a person should remain in limbo for years for something that is done online?
4. Why do the editors and moderators reply with comments the way they do? (rude in my opinion)

If you have not been accepted then you need to just continue to wait. No, don't submit again if your not sure if it is in our system (although we provide NO notification that your submission has been made) because we will flag it as spam. No, don't worry or become concerned that other websites in your category are being or have been added because editors get to pick and choose which sites to pick at there own free will. Oh by the way, there is no order that we choose the sites from so you could be at the bottom of the pile and we will continue to pick from the ones from the top. Oh, and if you try to submit again we will flag you. Oh, and if you email us we will never respond, because it's obvious and our guidlines are clear that we will get to you when we feel like it. If try to question us in the forums we will ridicule you. You didn't take the time to read the guidlines.... Yeah... that is the answer I will stick with. You didn't read the sticky's on the many posts that we flagged?

Maybe, as editors you should take the time to understand that your current system has many flaws and you need to FIX IT! Here's a tip! Like most company's you need to put some thought into the plan of action for a business. How's this: "All editors MUST work in different categories in order to remain editors? Hmm...?" If you care enough to volunteer you should care enough to help in categories that may not be of your particular interests. OTHERWISE your not really a volunteer your just an @$#hole posing as volunteer and don't really care to help people or businesses because you can't set aside your own personal interest.

Very disappointed.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Like most company's you need to put some thought into the plan of action for a business.
While the directory is owned by a company, the people working on the directory are volunteers who neither sign up for nor are expected to edit where or how often someone else tells them to. It may or may not make sense to you or anyone else, but it's the way it is and the way it is likely to remain for the lifespan of the directory.

How's this: "All editors MUST work in different categories in order to remain editors? Hmm...?" If you care enough to volunteer you should care enough to help in categories that may not be of your particular interests. OTHERWISE your not really a volunteer your just an @$#hole posing as volunteer and don't really care to help people or businesses because you can't set aside your own personal interest.
For most editors, the directory is just a hobby, something they do because they want to. They became editors to help compile lists of sites, not to help businesses in their SEO activities. As a hobby, it comes with no obligations other than to follow the guidelines and leave the directory in better shape than they found it. It's fine if that doesn't fit your vision of what a volunteer should be. But that doesn't change the reality of the situation.


Sep 13, 2011
You are right. It does not change the reality of the situation. The reality is as I stated before poor planning. You can sit here and use the excuse that the editors do this as hobby all you want. And editors have posted this sorry excuse in posts before. You say it's not meant for businesses in there SEO activities? Then why is dmoz compiling websites? So that the end user can find businesses correct? The whole purpose of SEO is so that a business can be seen on the web. I see complaint after complaint of people/businesses wondering how they can become seen on dmoz. I am not a SEO guy. I manage a small mom and pop business. I submitted for the company I work for about a year ago as I also did on yahoo, bing, and google. The website I submitted by no means is a high traffic website as we don't really even have much to offer online. 

My concerns are legit and I look at this as anyone else would. I just call it as I see it. A failing model is a failing model. So basically what I see from all this is to get someone to become an editor and have them submit for you? Otherwise you can potentially sit in limbo for years. I thought my one year was bad until I saw this about four years! Wow! That is just ridiculous. Internet is supposed to offer current and quick information that is easy to find. This model is not helping the end user by any means if the information I (yes I am an end user as well) may be looking for may take four years or longer to be found.  

Again you (I'm going to assume your an editor as well) found a way to ridicule my post. How exactly are you helping me? I use the Internet just like everyone else. I use directories, maps, and apps on my phone to information that I'm looking for. I find it very disappointing that all that is offered is excuses. My dad always told me "excuses don't feed the bulldog." Which means: no matter what excuse you give a bulldog thats about to eat you he's not going to care. He's going to bite you. You can tell him... Oh, I had to jump in your yard because a pitt bull was chasing me and he still won't care. The bottom line here is there IS NO STRUCTURE. There is no way for people like myself to get the questions we want answered. Dmoz will continue to get rants from people like myself until there is some kind of support system or verification system in place.  If willy nilly is the continued plan of action I will remain disappointed. If you can't see that then yes... The reality of THIS situation WILL NEVER CHANGE. 


Sep 13, 2011
Oh and might I also add that in today's economy who is to say that business is still in business years later when dmoz finally gets around to adding it?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Oh and might I also add that in today's economy who is to say that business is still in business years later when dmoz finally gets around to adding it?
All our listings are manually reviewed, so if the business behind a website closes down during the review process, the editor will most likely notice that from the content of the website :)
And additionally: If a company does not even live for that long, the site would not have been a good listing anyway. Both because it seems not to be something people are interested in (otherweise the company would be still alive) and because we would have had to remove the listing again...

You can sit here and use the excuse that the editors do this as hobby all you want
This is not an excuse, this is and has ever been the concept of DMOZ.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I am always flabbergasted by the fact that people come to the conclusion that DMOZ is a failure just because it does not do what they want it to do, even when DMOZ was never intended to do what they want it to do. Even when we explain what DMOZ is about and how it works (amd we have done that many times in this forum) they still insist that we are wrong.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Even when we explain what DMOZ is about and how it works (amd we have done that many times in this forum) they still insist that we are wrong.

Not just wrong but also lazy, snide and arrogant :eek:.

I wonder how these folks would react if I told them that they're managing their businesses incorrectly and inefficiently just because they don't do what I want them to do :D.



Sep 13, 2011
So windharp? By your reasoning if someone was to search your database of compiled websites for a new latest and greatest social website. It would be ok that the end user only sees blackplanet and myspace? I mean four years ago I'm sure those sites were awesome... But now people would expect to find results that include facebook, google plus, and foursquare. But nobody uses myspace or blackplanet anymore. Yes the sites are still up and running so by your standards they would still be submitted. 
My point is by dmoz taking so long it really makes the end user view the results as bias and unreliable. 

Pvgool why can't you understand that people would like current data on your directory?

Jimnoble as a admin you are the worst I have ever came across. Flabbergasted? Really? You call me and others lazy? The lazy ones here are you and your compadres. I have taken the time to read the blogs and the mission of this project. I will quote from your site:

"Other directories such as Yahoo! and LookSmart are developed and managed by small paid staffs. The ODP was founded on the premise that directories with small staffs can not scale to the growth of the Web, and still maintain a quality, current directory.

The ODP is developed and managed by a constantly growing community of net-citizens who are experts in their areas of interest. Given this vast community of subject expertise and the global nature of the directory, there is always someone working on the directory: processing submissions, resolving dead links, culling out the bad and keeping only quality information, and discovering new topics to add.

Unlike small paid staffs, ODP editors are Web searchers creating a directory for other Web searches. This kind of philanthropy and passion creates a directory that is directly relevant to what people are looking for on the Web, and how they search the Web for information." -source:

How's is that you consider your efforts as following your own guidelines? Taking four years to even look at site doesn't exactly scream "a quality, current directory." How is four years even close to being current? 

And you call me arrogant?

Anytime you want to make suggestions to how my business is ran you have my email. 

Otherwise please forward my suggestions to Grant who said: 
""I've had the pleasure of supporting the ODP/DMOZ community for more than a year and a half. Initially, I acted as a conduit from the forums back to the AOL management. As time went on I also helped in the creation of the DMOZ Blog, collaborated with AOL Corporate Communications to work on the various topics that come up with DMOZ in the headline, aided in the evangelism of DMOZ to all parts of AOL and led the release Beta Release of DMOZ. I care about the community and the experience we provide because I think that authoritative, subject matter experts CAN provide an experience on par and in certain circumstances far superior to the algorithmic search. And DMOZ is by far the single best example of that on this planet...or any other that I am aware of : ) If you ever have a question about DMOZ or an idea that could be improved by the resources we have, I'd love to hear from you. " 

Because I have yet to receive any response to the many emails I have sent during the year I have been waiting for answers.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You seem to have completely misinterpreted my words. I was responding to pvgool, not discussing you at all. I merely said that the editors are being called wrong, lazy, snide and arrogant by posters here.

I'm not aware that I've ever expressed any of those opinions about posters. If nothing else, insulting remarks are against this forum's ToS and I do my best to ensure that I, and others, uphold them. Be warned.


Jan 12, 2011
The old tag team eh? Nice work Noble, PV .. love how you post just to let people know how "flabbergasted" you are :)

How about you guys start giving real answers that help people?


Jan 12, 2011
Hey guys... I'm pretty new around here(first post! yay ^_^) and I don't wanna get involved in your argument. It sounds pretty heated. So I just wanted to say that from an outsiders perspective I'm going to have agree with 'petedmoz' and 'kriso'.

Great debate though. Keep up the hard work admins and volunteers!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
So windharp? By your reasoning if someone was to search your database of compiled websites for a new latest and greatest social website. It would be ok that the end user only sees blackplanet and myspace? I mean four years ago I'm sure those sites were awesome... But now people would expect to find results that include facebook, google plus, and foursquare. But nobody uses myspace or blackplanet anymore. Yes the sites are still up and running so by your standards they would still be submitted.
A very bad example. list all those you mention.

Pvgool why can't you understand that people would like current data on your directory?
You seem to read things that were never written.
About current data. For some type of websites we are very current. For other types being current is not relevant at all. If I want to know about the upcoming USA presedential elections I want current information. We try our best to provide such info, see If I want to know something about JFK I am looking for good websites, we 66 websites listed in would I care if a new website is not listed, not at all I can find enough already. And current for commercial websites is something compeltely different, if I can find 10 well established webshops for some kind of goods it is OK, if I can find 20 it may be better, do I need 50 certainly not. I want established websites not all newbees that only exist for a few months.


Feb 18, 2006
today I found some company they send many times in Open directory DOMZ,Please to check this company He Xin Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd ,and why some companies submit many times but still don't sucess.

Now I have two website <url removed> and <url removed>,my friends submit many time,but still not sucess.

please to help me


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
today I found some company they send many times in Open directory DOMZ,Please to check this company He Xin Arts and Crafts Co., Ltd ,and why some companies submit many times but still don't sucess.
In some cases a website can be listed more than once
If it has relevance for a topic it can be listed under that topic.
If it has relevance for a region (city, province, state) it can be listed under Regional.
If the site has content in more than one language it can be listed under all those languages.

Now I have two website .... and ..... ,my friends submit many time,but still not sucess.
DMOZ guidelines require to suggest a website only ONCE.
More suggestions can do harm, from longer time between first suggestion and review to a ban for spamming.
Please stop suggesting websites over and over.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You are right. It does not change the reality of the situation. The reality is as I stated before poor planning. You can sit here and use the excuse that the editors do this as hobby all you want. And editors have posted this sorry excuse in posts before.
It's not an excuse. It's a fact. Most editors view this as a hobby.

You say it's not meant for businesses in there SEO activities? Then why is dmoz compiling websites? So that the end user can find businesses correct? The whole purpose of SEO is so that a business can be seen on the web. I see complaint after complaint of people/businesses wondering how they can become seen on dmoz.
Actually, I never said it wasn't meant for businesses in their SEO activities. (And keep in mind that the directory doesn't just list businesses. It's chock full of informational sites and pages, too.)

What I said was that editors "became editors to help compile lists of sites, not to help businesses in their SEO activities." Whether or not business owners get any kind of SEO benefit from an editor's editing activities is just a side effect. For example, if I compile a list of sites I like for my own website, I do it because I want to share those resources with other people, not because I have any interest in their owners' business or SEO plans. Any editing work I might do at DMOZ is done for exactly the same reasons and with exactly the same mindset -- a desire to share a collection of hand-reviewed sites with others without any personal concern for anyone's SEO plans. That's fairly typical for an editor.

My concerns are legit and I look at this as anyone else would. I just call it as I see it. A failing model is a failing model. So basically what I see from all this is to get someone to become an editor and have them submit for you? Otherwise you can potentially sit in limbo for years. I thought my one year was bad until I saw this about four years! Wow! That is just ridiculous. Internet is supposed to offer current and quick information that is easy to find. This model is not helping the end user by any means if the information I (yes I am an end user as well) may be looking for may take four years or longer to be found.
Here's the thing: If it truly is a failing model, the directory will eventually die off. Why expend energy hating something that you think is dead, something that at best is really just the merest drop in the bucket compared to all the other SEO tactics a site owner can use?

Again you (I'm going to assume your an editor as well) found a way to ridicule my post. How exactly are you helping me? I use the Internet just like everyone else. I use directories, maps, and apps on my phone to information that I'm looking for.
I assure you that my intention wasn't to ridicule you. I wanted to address some of the comments you made and perhaps explain why you're not likely to see the changes you'd like to see with regards to how the directory is run.

I find it very disappointing that all that is offered is excuses. My dad always told me "excuses don't feed the bulldog." Which means: no matter what excuse you give a bulldog thats about to eat you he's not going to care. He's going to bite you. You can tell him... Oh, I had to jump in your yard because a pitt bull was chasing me and he still won't care.
Actually, editors rarely provide excuses here, mostly because there is no need to excuse something for being the way it is when, from an editor's point of view, many of the things people complain about (such as editors being allowed to decide how often, how long, and where they edit) are things editors are happy with.

Nobody here has ever said that the directory is perfect. There are loads of ways it could be improved (I mean, how great would it be if the directory could keep up with the number of listable sites that exist at any given point in time, across all subjects). But many of the improvements that site owners want to see (such as making editors edit a specific amount of time or in categories picked out for them) are just not in line with how the directory is run. Editors who try to explain that are usually vilified or called rude, but they're just trying to be honest.

The bottom line here is there IS NO STRUCTURE. There is no way for people like myself to get the questions we want answered. Dmoz will continue to get rants from people like myself until there is some kind of support system or verification system in place.  If willy nilly is the continued plan of action I will remain disappointed. If you can't see that then yes... The reality of THIS situation WILL NEVER CHANGE. 
It's unlikely that any kind of a verification or support system would be implemented any time in the foreseeable future, but that's not to say that it *couldn't* happen. Likewise, it's very unlikely that the nature of the volunteer system used by the directory will change any time soon. So for the time being, it is what it is. Ranting will not change it or make any potential nebulous future change happen more quickly. I understand how frustrating that is.
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