Submitted site 4 years ago and still waiting!


Sep 13, 2011
Motsa your answers our the best I have yet to see throughout these blogs. My simple point has been that you don't know what a site has to offer if it has never been reviewed. 4 years in my opinion is WAY too long. Yes this person broke guidelines by resubmitting, but I can definitely understand why. As I have pondered doing the same myself. My suggestions aren't rants. One of your directors has clearly asked for suggestions on your website so this is what I have done. If a verification was done many of these "rants" would have no backing in my opinion. Or if we were simply told that our sites were rejected I would be satisfied with that as well. But keeping people in limbo is unacceptable. Throughout the forums editors continue to tell people that "it's more likely that your site just has not been reviewed." This is where my frustration and disappointment comes from. I say again, if you have not reviewed the site you have no idea of what it has to offer.


Mar 9, 2005
Van, Texas, USA
It's been 9 years since I suggested our website to DMOZ. After 4 years, in 2006, I posted in the forums to explore how I could get noticed by the editors. It was suggested (by a DMOZ editor) that since there was not an editor for the catagory most appropriate to my website, that I suggest my URL to the catagory directly above. I followed this advice. So now another 5 years have passed. I'm not sure whether anyone has ever looked at our site; there is no way to know. Or is there?

Should I submit again? Or just move on and check back again in 2017?

Our site is well-constructed, checks valid for CSS and html, and is full of fresh, original content. One would think our site would be exactly what DMOZ is looking for. Yet it's been such a long time... please advise. Thank you. :)


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
It was suggested (by a DMOZ editor) that since there was not an editor for the catagory most appropriate to my website, that I suggest my URL to the catagory directly above.
That wasn't very good advice imo. It's probable that no editor has yet reviewed your site, and possibly that your original suggestion was lost in a big server crash we had several years ago.
Either way, if you haven't already done so, please re-suggest your site directly to the most relevant category.

We would also like to review all suggestions rapidly, but the structure of our volunteer organisation prevents that, and we are even unable to estimate a "wait time"...
That's why the advice usually given in this forum is of "suggest once and forget" nature - you can also set a Google Alert or similar to know if/when the site is listed.


Mar 9, 2005
Van, Texas, USA
That wasn't very good advice imo. It's probable that no editor has yet reviewed your site, and possibly that your original suggestion was lost in a big server crash we had several years ago.
Either way, if you haven't already done so, please re-suggest your site directly to the most relevant category.

We would also like to review all suggestions rapidly, but the structure of our volunteer organisation prevents that, and we are even unable to estimate a "wait time"...
That's why the advice usually given in this forum is of "suggest once and forget" nature - you can also set a Google Alert or similar to know if/when the site is listed.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I've followed your advice and re-suggested to the catagory that fits our site.


Feb 3, 2007
Just checking in..... again another year has passed and no submission since starting this thread - Disappointing to say the least! I will not submit again as i have been told not to. The catergory i have submitted to is perfect - the description and title are as good as we can construct.

Several other (newer) companies have managed to submit successfully. I have no clue why?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Several other (newer) companies have managed to submit successfully.
We don't have first in first processed queues.

There must be hundreds of millions of websites that we haven't yet evaluated, the huge majority of them never having been suggested to us at all. This doesn't make them less eligible or listable though.

It's going to take time. My best advice to you (and everybody else) is to forget about us and focus your efforts on other means of promoting your website. If an ODP listing is going to happen, it will happen when it happens. No further actions by you will expedite this at all - though they can delay it.


Feb 3, 2007
Jim - dont worry, i spend 15 minutes a year maybe checking my listing / this forum.

I am just really disappointed with DMOZ. Whilst i respect and appreciate you spending time as a volunteer on DMOZ - and taking the time to respond to many enquries....... this system is broken (which google has indentified many moons ago.... not specifically DMOZ, but directories). If i were you, i would attempt to try and diversify your time into better more helpful projects. As a utility, DMOZ is (and has been) on the way out for a while. I would personally jump ship. You seem an intelligent person - why spend hours on these forums - it seems self defeating? You are just replicating the same top layer information to needy webmaster (me being one).

TO ALL THOSE THAT READ THIS INFORMATION - YOU ARE EXPECTING TO GAIN MORE AUTHORITY FROM DMOZ WHICH SIMPLY DOES NOT EXISIT ANYMORE. As Jim has quiet rightly mentioned in the previous post, dont waste your time (there are 0000's of better opportunities for online marketing )
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