Why Google is not listing my site?


Mar 26, 2006
System to Inform Rejected Sites

jimnoble said:
It's a topic that's been discussed here ad nauseam. This forum's FAQ explains why there isn't. You might like to read it.
I did review the FAQ and did not read anything about an automatic reply system in place or suggested in the past. If OPD had a reply system in place, it would most likely decrease the amount of submissions that are duplicates. I don't know if my submission is floating in cyberspace, is rejected, or is under a mountain of submissions. Being listed in the DMOZ is desirable for being included in directories all over the internet, but for some it is not going to happen. I just would like to know why, or if it is something I can fix after waiting so long to see my site listed-and it is not-I would rather have my site listed on DMOZ then have to keep buying google ads to get traffic to my site. :icon_idea :eek:


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
sugieb said:
I just would like to know why,
You can already know if a site will be rejected before you suggest the site.
Just read the DMOZ guidelines.

sugieb said:
or if it is something I can fix after waiting so long to see my site listed-and it is not
[this is just a global remark and might not be appropriate for yoru site] There is only one situation you can fix. That is if your site does not have enough content. But you should fix that at all times and is not something you should wait until DMOZ tells you it is not enough.

sugieb said:
I would rather have my site listed on DMOZ then have to keep buying google ads to get traffic to my site.
I have something very disappointing to tell you. DMOZ will never be a source for succes to your website. Everything you must do without a listing to make it a succes you must do when the site is listed. If buying google ads is needed now you will need them always.


Mar 26, 2006
Sites with overlapping and repetitive content

Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory

If a site is submitted to the directory for example: Shopping: Pets: Cats and Dogs: Clothing and Accessories: Dogs , there are quite a few sites selling similar products and have overlapping content. But when you really look at their products they are all different in some way by the very nature that most are handcrafted. This is a shopping category, so are you (DMOZ) saying in these rules, that they apply to shopping categories as well? If so, then I respectfully disagree. When I am looking in a shopping category, I want to see what all the shops offer in the way of quality and products. To have them all listed in one place is a shoppers dream, especially when they all carry the product you want.

I have something very disappointing to tell you. DMOZ will never be a source for succes to your website. Everything you must do without a listing to make it a succes you must do when the site is listed. If buying google ads is needed now you will need them always.
I have found the DMOZ directory listed all over the internet when searching sites selling the products I am looking for. Also, DMOZ helps all websites listed with link popularity as well as advertising. When you are talking about a website that is for Shopping, you can have an excellent product and a well put together website but still be on page 20 of a Google search...so being listed on DMOZ in a shopping category DOES help with your exposure, your link popularity, and it does group shopping for a particular product or animal convenient for any shopper.


Jan 29, 2006
Google Sitemap Generator

seokolla said:
hi geetha
I have submitted my site to dmoz 6 months back but my site is not listed in that.But you got listed your site in just two months, I want to know that which method you followed to list your site quickly in Dmoz.
One more thing is that I was intersted in google site map, can any one help me how to generate the sitemap effectively
You can easily generate sitemap for google here:
Simply type your url, update frequency, last modify and priority and then click on create sitemap. The xml file is created instantly, don't copy it, right click and use save as... option.
This is the most convenient tool available online. I've been using it whenever I update my sites.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.