Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate DMOZ Content, and other issues here ONLY


Active Member
Feb 11, 2012
While still trying to list my website (Jim knows which one) to the category, I just wanted to add that an editor might want to clean up this category a bit. Most of the URL-s are long tail, and one:'s_nursery_rhymes_index.htm seems to exist just to serve one purpose: push the rating of It has NO ORIGINAL CONTENT, every page only lists a rhyme (and no comments on them) and a link to the other site. Why on earth was this site added?! Or was it, like Jim said: a self-serving editor, who after adding his sites "faded into the sunset".


Feb 12, 2012
We know is not easy to deal with so many request, and we apreciate the effort of editors and admins, but from what i sawed in last years dmoz is becoming exactly the opposite of what it should be. To many poor websites, to many broken links, to much corruption, to many listed crap websites and deep links and so on.

For me is just an obsession to get listed there, i have more enaugh traffic and trust from search engines, but is a shame how people manipulate dmoz directory for their own interest and as are to many to control the things just gone wild.

I think that dmoz should reorganize the way how things work, because at this time can't be trusted by anyone. I don;t want to ofense anyone here, but i'm not the only one who observed all those things and most of them have the same opinion.

This is my honest feedback, hope will not be interpreted in the wrong way.

Still waiting a reply to my problems.

Thank You.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
@Fred77 - Thanks for spotting that, the category hadn't been looked at in some time. Afaict it was an error rather than abuse, going unnoticed since 2003/2004... Now fixed.

@whatafy - Your first post was unlucky as it's the last one the page, and is about an issue in Romanian, which few editors here speak, so please be patient and try to ignore the vocal directory bashers elsewhere :p


Feb 12, 2012
I am patient, i can write in English if you want is very simple, is enough to take a look at that section to see the broken links and the abuse, i'm just affraid that even someone bigger then the editor will take a look will take some action for that moment, but on long term they will be back, is not the first time when i make complains and they are back in the list even if they was removed.

So how can i trust anymore the romanian editors ? I work hard and spend money to bring quality like gogole guidelines says and dmoz want, but with no success geting listed in last 5 years.

Please jut take a look with google translate at that website, and please tell me what can be wrong with that site, because is the most visted website for bettors and the most active community from all sports websites in Romania, and is strange how some crap websites get approved ...

[URL removed] here is the link for english.

We have a 728x90 banner and a 300x250 as main banners so we can pay the journalists and the prizes for contests, still very low ads because most of romanian websites like have tons of ads you can't see the content because of so many ads ...

So please help me and tell me how i can be listed in dmoz so i can sleep at night :)


Feb 12, 2012
I see someone deleted golazzo, but is almoust one month and nobody is checking the abuse made in section reported by me, and even is not readed by anyone.

Please let me know to who i can adress this isuess to take action, because at this time dmoz is just showing me what i;ve seen in last 6 years, that the abuse is alowed and is very corupted.

I decided that this year to take some actions by reporting them, but i see is useless.

Again, don;t take it as an ofense, is juts my optinion, i've made time to write and report all this stuff, i even applied to be an editor for that section as i have enaugh years of experience and I'm more then honest in my industry.

Please take some actions, i will help you with anything you need, but i need an ousider to clean the mess made by romanian.

As i told you i talked by email with one of them and when i asked why those two websites are aproved and mine not he didn't gived me a reply.

What do you think about this ?

I reported here because is my last chance to figure it out if dmoz will ever be what it supose to be, or i should go and forgot about this directory as i have no chance to remove all the coruption and abuse from my inrested sections.

Thank's again for reading my message, hope this time someone will take action.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
It may take some time to investigate public abuse reports. You can also send Feedback to the editors listed at , and ask them to look into the issue. When investigating abuse we need specific proof of abusive behaviour, not just general complaints.

In your posts here you also ask why your own site is not listed, but we do not evaluate sites here and will not answer questions about the status of suggested sites.


Feb 12, 2012
Well is very clear my report, I'm showing you 2 websites that are poor and don't meet Dmoz guidelines but they are aprovved, and a website in same situation rejected by same editors.

Imagine you propose to be listed one a directory and come a simple directory with bugs and porn websites, crap websites, and they are listed and you rejected by same editor.

So what i want is an higher in rank editor outside Romania, to check them because is obvious at first look that they made an abuse.

I already think i'm think i'm the bad guy now because i want to see that the editors are doing the right thing.

On short :

Compare this 3 websites : (2 experienced journalist writting each day analysis of sports games, 5 journalist writting analysis and news, the most active forum about sports in Romania, over 650.000 posts, best user experience trough our unique content and ideeas that make them happy and come back each time, very long time on site for each user that show us that they like the website, and so on) (poor information, clear made just to promote gamebookers, same thing since they are online) (listed few sportsbook, only sportsbook ads, and is clear that is main purpose is track visitors, no content at all just few texts around all big banners)

And tell me why was rejected and other 2 websites was aprovved and i got a confirmation from an editor that i'm rejected because of ads, but they have same ads and even more, they don;t have any good content, just 2 websites made for affiliate.

Please just use google translate, and please let me know your thoughts, anybody thoughts, because i can't understand how stuff works at this time.

For me is very clear an abuse and i sawed many owners complained that they are listed only if they pay the editors.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
So what i want is an higher in rank editor outside Romania, to check them because is obvious at first look that they made an abuse.
Those two editors listed at the top level for World/Română are editors with the highest rank (Meta) and very competent and experienced.

Are you sure your website was rejected, and not just waiting to be reviewed? Not listing a suggested site is not considered to be abuse.

You can also PM me if you have any specific concerns about a possibly abusive editor.


Feb 12, 2012
Positive rejected because i sent email to en editor, he told me i'm rejected because i have affiliate links, when i asked then why those poor website with no content just affiliate links are there, forgot to answer me, and the time is passing and nobody is taking actions.

What do you think about the website, it is ok ? Because i can't imagine why after so much work i get rejected and other crap websites are approved .. where is the logic ?! if more people will tell me i'm crazy i will belive them, but at this point i think i'm still lucid :)

Also noone checked the complain.

Report 2f088f0aff295c5df07e39c663cc8dee was submitted on28/Jan/2012 12:08:43 UTC

Its current status is new - This report has not yet been investigated. We aim to do so at the earliest possible opportunity. :)


Feb 12, 2012
This will be my last intervention, if after this detailed report, nobody will take action i will be convinced that DMOZ don't worth a penny, and all this years of hard work was done for nothing.

I will make a report for 2 sections that is in my field.

Outdated website since 2005 nobody wrote anything, and has no usefull info.
Even the news posted in 2004 are copy paste from gazeta sporturilor.
Don't know what is this website doing in DMOZ ...
No info, no news. Only a list of bookies and sportsbook and their bonuses.
Clear an website just for affiliate links, no other info can be found.
Since i know this website his main purpose was to ptomote the bookie gamebookers,no other info except how to bet there and is clear just an affiliate website for gamebookers.

Unibet sportsbook on top
Bwin sportsbook on right
Clear just an website for affiliate
full with bwt365 sportsbook bookie
is clear that the ads is affiliate
full of partybets banners, another sportsbook
Clear affiliate website
most of teh time full with bet365 ads, just do some click you will see
Bet365 is another online sportsbook for gambling
BET365, bwin, bet-at-home etc.
full of popus and every few clicks a full page banner etc.
thought is ont allowed excesive ads

And so on, as you can see from the list 99% website have affiliate banners, is very obvious that.

So again i ask you guys why all the crap from the web are approved and good quality websites don't ?

The answer with affiliate banner should not be the reason as i demonstrated above, all sports websites have this kind of banners.

Please let me know when was added or the other websites in same situation removed.

I ca not belive i need to work so much to show you something that's obvious at first look, the only problem i see is that nobody cares to bring Dmoz to what is should be.

Why i have to spend hours to write you guys when all this could be avoided with some honest editors.

I apreciate their time and i know is not easy, but i can't apreciate their abuse ...

PLEASE other users who walk trough this topic, try to speak so our voices can be heard, or i;m the only one stupid enaugh to think their are honest people at dmoz and all this situation was just a mistake ... ?

Please, i chalange all editors to give a me a reply that would clear this situation.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
I can't answer directly, as: We don't deal in details about individual sites and their content in this forum, and the investigation is ongoing, but thank you for the report and details above.

Generally, poor quality sites are often present in the directory either because they were added a long time ago, have changed since being added or were added by an inexperienced editor.
The affiliate issue is covered by our guidelines - Just having banners and pop-ups as such is not an issue.
Something to think about is that we build this directory as a hobby activity, and I presume you promote site(s) for a living. Sometimes both will be compatible, and sometimes not.


Feb 12, 2012
Started like a hobby and then i managed to earn something from this.

I often hear things like you do this for a hobby, ok, thank you for your time, but a hobby is afterall a pleasure not ?

Anyway, i want to point that most editors don;t do this for hobby ... lets face it most of them have sites to add or work on this industry, and this is not an excuse to make abuse, i;m doing this for a hobby so i can do whatever i wnat, well NO, i guess you should not think like this.

What i showed in my report is that most websites have affiliate banners, and ok i understand you don;t care about excesive banners and popups.

Anyway, a romanian top editor was kind enaugh to reply and told me he will discuss about this with other top editors.

Please don't hate me for my reply regading hobby, but i hope you understand my point.

I repect only the ones who realy do this with open heart for hobby or not, as long they are honest they have my repect.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Please don't hate me for my reply regading hobby, but i hope you understand my point.
Sadly, it's pretty clear that you're unwilling to understand our point :(. Broadbrush condemnation of all editors is irrational, won't add to your credibility and won't win you any friends here.

You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Please read our Site Selection Criteria. I'm sorry it's not available in Romanian.

Lastly, I suspect that you are keen to be listed here because you believe that it will increase your SERPS ranking and thus revenue. That almost certainly hasn't been true for years. Even if it is true, we don't care because it's an unintended consequence and not one of our objectives.


Feb 12, 2012
Jim, i understood clearly the guidelines, i understood what volunteer mean, but anytime when someone report bad behaviour of other editors you don;t even care to take a look at the problem, you just take their defense even if they make an abuse. Here is the part where you don't understand users like me.

I have the biggest traffic in Romania for my branch, so could you believe that I'm not doing this for traffic ?

I just wanted to help Dmoz to be the directory that RESPECT the guidelines, and i demonstrated that is not at all like that and instead of some support from editors i get reply like chill out man, we do this as a hobby so go bother other if you see probles ... Jeee.. whats the point of this thread anyway if not Quality Control Feedback ?

And i don't need friends here, i need honest people that will do their job as it supposed, as hobby or not.

Broadbrush condemnation of all editors is irrational,

Just reported the ones that made an abuse, and already contacted a top editor who understood the problem and he is willing to do some cleaning job in those section after some discussions with other top editors.

This is my last message, i just hope you got my point, because from your last message i understand that you haven't read my messages to know what i want from Dmoz ...

Good luck with your hobby, i will go back to mine, where i don't crack other heads just because i help them as a hobby.

Don't forgot to be always honest ... and be happy, life is to short to be spent with users like me who don't understand you :)


Feb 12, 2012
No news for me and is almoust one month since then ... is clear that is dead and full of crap websites ... but hey, is ok as long this directory is just for fun to have a hobby ...

Now it's clear for me that all the guideliness and rules are just for stupid people like me who believed that this is a serious directory.

Nobody know how stuff works, and nobody is willing to take real action to make stuff works.

Sorry to say but i'm more then disappointed.

I;m just speaking from my experience, maybe for others everything is fine, but all i see is corruption and indifference, masking everything behind the "hobby" stuff.

I know that are honest people among editors, but i just don't know how to reach them.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
@whatafy - This forum is a good way of "reaching" editors, since a good few read it, some contribute, and the whole thing is administered by volunteer ODP meta editors, who also steward the directory. We do take issues like the one you brought up seriously, and will act if warranted - But: a/ Being volunteers, the timescale we use is neither the same as that for paid employees, nor at all predictable - b/ We never publish any decision, or reasons for decisions that we have taken.

@JasonTimmins - your post moved.


Feb 12, 2012
No action made either now after such a long time ...

Nevermind, i can't trust anymore on this directory as it has to much useless content, many expired domains, many sites that doesn't respect the fuidelines, all the help promised was not made.

Thank guys you are doing a great job ! After all not the quality is important only to have editors fun as they have the power to control something :) lol.

This is my last post here.

Have fun !


May 20, 2012
Dhaka, Bangladesh.

the second site 2Dog Web Page Designs is under construction. Should it be removed? I am new here and tried to help. Is my reporting procedure ok and understandable?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.