I did not post a list of URLs or links. I know you guys are hyper-sensitive about that. I listed the domain name only.
Domain name is essentially the URL. We're not hypersensitive about people posting links -- we're hypersensitive about people posting site-specific details (including links, domain names, site names, etc.) except when reporting issues with listed sites.
If you don't want the suggestions, that's fine, I figured it might be helpful since otherwise the category would be empty. No problems. It's your show.
We love to receive suggestions for sites to add, but this is not the venue for doing that. That's what the "Suggest URL" link is for at the top of each category. If you really want to be helpful, there's your chance to do it.
I already explained that there are no other example sites out there. Listen - I've scoured the net for several days now exploring this niche. There are only a handful of sites out there and I've registered an account at all of them. This isn't like some categories where there are thousands of options.
Being a registered member of a forum should not be counted as an affiliation unless your activities there count as marketing, promotion, or administration of said site. To use your example of this site: for me, resource-zone.com would be an affiliation because I am an admin here; but it wouldn't be considered an affiliation if you are just a member here.
A more important thing to consider is that, if you could only find a couple of sites that belong in the category that aren't already listed there, it would be a terrible starting category for a new editor. You'd run out of work before you'd even started, which would lead to huge frustrations. That's something we've learned. If you would really like to be an editor, you might consider picking a small category for which you can find a lot of listable sites that aren't yet listed (perhaps a category in your local home town in Regional) and apply there -- once you're an editor and have experience, you can move on to other categories, perhaps including the one mentioned here.