Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate DMOZ Content, and other issues here ONLY


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011

Article avenue - Internal server Error.
Article Loft - Cannot Register.
Article dashboard - It's not a 'free publishing service.'
Article Bin - 'Affiliate content' Doesn't posses enough quality to be listed on DMOZ ( Personal view only).
Article Content King - Not a free content.'$17.97 to gain membership, and submit articles.'
Article Geek - Cannot Login, Tried from two different emails, but results may vary.
Article Gold - 'Signup disabled'
Article Nexus - 'Affiliate'
Article Set - When i submit an article, an error occurs stating, 'The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.'
Article Slash - Doesn't accept registrations from Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, Tencent and MSN. ( What do they accept then? )
Article zone - When i go on the submit article button, it redirects me to another 'url' which tells us how to make money
Article Logy - Not a publishing website anymore.
Article Deposit - Not a publishing website anymore.
Articles Hub - No longer a website.
Article Land - Not accepting any users.
Article R - Affiliated content right after you login.
Article Snare - When i click on the registration link, it redirects me to a blank page.
Best to read - When registered, i receive this message, 'Before Login chack your mail and first email confirmation' ( A bit harsh to report that, but just a note for you guys)
Content Syndication - Registration error and many other errors on this webpage.
Ezine articles biz - Error in submitting article.
Everyday articles - No longer available.
Expert articles - Cannot login, register or submit articles. Returning error messages, 'Down for maintenance.'
Find in article - 'Down for maintenance.'
Free-articles-zone - All i can see is ads
Free - No publishing option, a very poor website(In my opinion).
Goarticles(.)net - Very poor content, opinions may vary.
Homebiz now4u - Loaded with affiliate ads and very poor content.
Ideal Marketers - Has 1 affiliate link, but overall it's not a bad website.
Jans Free content - Well, this is the worst website i've come across.
Lady pens - Not a publishing source for users. Has affiliate links.
Messagiamo - Nothing Interesting. (Opinion)
Nice articles - No longer a publishing source for users.
Site rooms - Awful content.
Take articles - Registration not allowed. Many page errors.
Thought search - When signing up a 404 'Not found' page occurs.
Topaix - Shouldn't even be in this category.
Unpublish articles - They barely have any content to share with users.
Writing career - Filled with affiliate links.

Pheww, seriously all the websites i visited except,
sooperarticles, (Maybe)
and Isnare,
Surprised me, i hope some Senior editors checks these, and prevents Dmoz with 'bad quality websites.'

And Yes they all are in ONE CATEGORY!

Thank youu!


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Re: Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Publishing/Services/Free_Content (item #5001 but I'm not sure if the numbers are consistent on this forum)
I've have gone through (all) the listed sites and removed the ones which obviously weren't guideline compliant.
The test I used was "do they load" & "do they have articles which could be published" (logins are perhaps less important)
I agree that some of those left are on the lower limit of listability, another passing editor may well be more ruthless.


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011
Definitely :)

People either shut their business down or don't bother to update their site, through a passage of time.
My strategy was to pick categories which did not have an Editor(s), and check the sites within it, via a new tab.

Out of the 40 categories i checked, surprisingly these were the only ones with a broken link or had some kind of problems, which is a huge plus. :D


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
items 5002 to 5013 done :)
Cooksrecipes and Submarino worked for me.


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011
Yup, i guess 'submarino' is back up, however 'cookrecipes' is not available anymore(Redirects to a page not found in Chinese).


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011
I was just indicating that particular page(As seen in that category only).
I think that page in the category is dead, but yeah, the home page works fine for me too :)

CooksRecipes Meatless Entrees


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
For me, Bushfire works normally, as does 4WX - Bombox (a placeholder) removed - Thank you :)
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