Responding to Submitters


Aug 6, 2004
longcall911]STo submit my little NY Rangers Fan Club at [url][/url said:
, I had to become a member. Then I had to read their guidelines, which are similar to DMOZ's. Then I had to take a real test. There were 20 questions. I had to choose ‘which is the real title for this site’ by looking at a thumbnail. Most questions were worthy of an editor’s test, not some dopey guy like me who wanted to get his not-for-profit, lots of work for no reward, website in their directory.

Agreed, taking the test right now. It's very editor driven, not rule comprehensence driven like has been suggested for here.


(I received an 85% first time though. That MLS helped though.)


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm not even going to ask why you're resurrecting a month-old thread but

Originally Posted by bobrat
[Ok D. is sarcasm, since I just deleted a site that was submitted twice in 15 minutes.
This bothers me. Why was this done? Maybe the submitter had an issue with his or her browser? Were they told that it was deleted?
You're completely misreading things (not surprising since you're not an editor). We don't completely delete sites from unreviewed (or from the live directory) just because they were submitted a couple of times, even a couple of times in a row. The extra submissions get deleted, leaving one behind.


Apr 15, 2003
since I just deleted a site that was submitted twice in 15 minutes

to confirm what motsa said

That does not mean I deleted ths site because I was annoyed at the submitter

- it means two submissions were made in 15 minutes
- they were both waiting in unreviewed
- I saw they were identical
- I removed "deleted" one of them
- that left one waiting to be reviewed
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.